1976 - Organized
- R.J. Hammond became pastor
1977 - Purchased old Wadesboro Fish Camp property and remodeled for worship
1979 - Joined Anson Baptist Association
1982 - The new sanctuary was completed
1986 - Joe Smith became pastor
1991 - Steve Hill became pastor
1994 - Completed the 2-story educational building
1999 - Joe G. Kirkpatrick, III became pastor
- completed concrete drive thru near sanctuary entrance
- the old fish campfellowship hall was remodeled and updated
2000 - completed construction to remodel and enlarge the church nursery
- team traveled to Uruguay and constructed church for new believers
2001 - completed grading on new playground area for children
- completed construction of secure playground area for nursery
2002 - construction began to add 4000 square feet of new educational space
2003 - completed construction of new educational space
2004 - organized Awana program for children
2007 - Randy Swaringen became pastor
2007 - Steeple donated by Hartis Grove Baptist Church
2008 - Cross built by Pastor Swaringen and installed in Sanctuary December
2011 - Purchased seven acres of land adjacent to church property